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"This is why we fight every day"

Updated: Aug 12, 2022

Today, we stand stronger than ever. We have a well-coordinated, flexible, highly responsive team in Borgne and in the U.S.A. working together to “go the distance.” Events in Haiti this summer (2021) remind us there will always be challenges. We are ever more committed to facing forward, and continuing to support programs that build trust and place peoples’ agency at the center of every decision. In late spring, one of our new nurses--who assisted a difficult delivery-remarked that the mother and the baby would have likely died had she gone to any other hospital in northern Haiti. Yet, she came to Alyans Sante Borgne (ASB), which has earned a reputation for providing the highest order of care to a community of 80,000 people. The staff at A.S.B. practice a preferential option for the poor, insisting they treat every one who comes to the hospital, travel long distances to provide mobile hospitals, and support a health system that promotes general well-being. In the case of the triplets below, the A.S.B. approach means mom delivered three healthy babies and will receive nutritional counseling, follow up care, and is seen as an integral member of Borgne, Haiti, and our world. As Dr. Voltaire explained: "This is why we fight every day. At ASB, you just need to be human to receive all the care you need and all our attention."

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