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Strengthening community health is our priority.

Writer's picture: H.O.P.E Haiti H.O.P.E Haiti

Haiti Outreach Pwoje Espwa works solely in the commune of Borgne, Haiti. Borgne is an agricultural and fishing community situated on Haiti's beautiful northern peninsula. For more than two decades, we have worked as part of a formal partnership with USAID and the Haitian Ministry of Health to provide health and dental care, community-based education programs, and economic vitality.

Recently, team members Dr. Dan Lapp and Mike Shields visited Borgne for a “pulse check.” This trip highlighted the enormous challenges we are facing due to the runaway inflation in Haiti and the severely reduced funding from Haiti’s Ministry of Health.

Alongside medical director Thony Voltaire, our team took the time to review the needs and priorities of the commune. We then carefully weighed each one, focusing on how to deliver the most effective healthcare services within the budget restrictions we are facing.

In the absence of medical treatment, waterborne illness, communicable disease, and maternal and infant mortalities run rampant. The health of this commune is at stake. Join us in supporting our priorities:

- Emergency Room Training and Equipment  

The hospital ER is open 24/7/365 and receives a full range of accident and illness patients.

- STD Testing  

Current practices are broad spectrum testing which lack the specific tests to isolate STDs and treat effectively.

- Minor Surgeries and Operating Room 

The surgical center was closed two years ago due to budget constraints. Given the lack of open health facilities across Haiti, this has become an urgent need. The goal is to reopen the surgery center in stages.

People trust us in Borgne because we walk with them.

Join us today.



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