Borgne is a community where the sun rises every day and the rain falls benevolently to make life flourish in the fields and in the cottages. On the human side, everything is more fragile and even complicated to guarantee this life. The youngest, pregnant women, the oldest are the most at risk and this picture is darkened from time to time by outbreaks of disease. The problems are numerous and arise in all areas. Sante Nan Lakou remains the most effective approach to improving the health situation in difficult areas and the most vulnerable sections of society. To do so, community activities are of paramount importance. Over the years, we have seen that each activity remains unique, rich in lessons learned and haloed by an overdose of community satisfaction. For all our staff, the recent mobile clinic in Duval sums it all up. Waking up before dawn to cross the mouth by canoe and climb for 3 hours the stony paths that lead us to Côtes-de-Fer (Duval). On arrival, the crowd (279 people) waiting at first sight swells you with satisfaction. It is more than useful to make this trip to bring help to this population in real need. Diseases that can be treated very easily Economic insecurity is a visible and tangible barrier. The glowing testimonials and words of thanks bring us strong emotions. Frankly, I can tell you that a community health system without a Sante Nan Lakou approach is just a boat without a rudder. In Borgne, the HRA project ensured this continuity and prepared us to face the new outbreak of cholera. Otherwise, the multiple political, geographical, economic and social problems would complicate people's lives much more than in other communities. The results are really impressive and the change is positively significant. This is the long-awaited moment for me to thank you all. You have worked in one way or another, yesterday and today, for sure tomorrow, to make a difference in a population that is suffering bitterly.
With Appreciation,
Dr. Thony Voltaire, M.D.
Chief Medical Director